How Fitness Competitions Inspired The Boss Bride Program (But Why It's Better)


Why does the Boss Bride Program get such good results?
How is it different from other programs?

In case you don’t know me, I’m Steph. I’ve been a personal trainer for 10 years and was a fitness competitor and then coach for four of those years. The Boss Bride Program was built based on what I’ve seen REALLY work for clients over the years.

When I competed, the diet was as strict as they come - chicken, rice, asparagus, repeat - and while it got insane results, it was MISERABLE and not sustainable. I knew that diet wouldn’t work long-term for anyone, but I wanted to take the PRINCIPLES of it and turn it into a program that could accomplish both get great results and be turned into a sustainable lifestyle.

Here’s how the Boss Bride Program takes the principles of a fitness competitor and turns them into a lifestyle:

Fitness Competitors: exact foods to eat for each meal
Boss Bride: exact macronutrient guidelines with options to pick different foods for each meal that fall under those guidelines. (Ex: for “Carbs” you can pick sweet potatoes, brown rice, lentil pasta, etc.)

Fitness Competitors: exact snacks broken down
Boss Bride: snack guidelines (combine protein + carb OR protein + fat) to fit macro/calorie goal with modifications based on preference/situation

Fitness Competitors: diet adjusted for workout days v. non-workout days
Boss Bride: diet adjusted for workout days v. non-workout days

Fitness Competitors: must cycle through “bulking”/“cutting” stages to build muscle and then shed fat with extreme dieting
Boss Bride: diet is less extreme to support building muscle and burning fat at the same time and adjusted based on workout phases

Fitness Competitors: drink a gallon of water/day
Boss Bride: start with drinking 1/2 their weight in ounces and then increase as the program progresses

Fitness Competitors: Prioritize Strength Workouts and adjust their diet/cardio as needed
Boss Bride: Prioritize the 3 phases of workouts to support their diet/lifestyle and adjust cardio as needed


So hopefully you get the point. The Boss Bride program gets great results because it’s built from the principles that fitness competitors use. BUT it gives YOU flexibility to swap out foods based on your preference, situation and needs by following the Boss Bride principles instead of a strict diet plan. That way, whether you’re at brunch with your girlfriends or staying in to cook for your fiancé, you can adjust your program to fit your LIFE, instead of changing your life to fit a chicken and asparagus diet.

Xo, Steph


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